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The Academic Career Trajectory Webinar Series

academic career trajectory


Thank you for your interest in our spring webinar series hosted by CEC Division for Research!

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The Academic Job Search
What is the Job Search process? Watch Video
How Do I Prepare My application? Watch Video
What Should I Expect in my Initial Interview? Watch Video
What Happens During an On Campus Interview? Watch Video
What about the Job Talk? Watch Video
You Got the Job, Now What: Negotiating? Watch Video

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The Road to Tenure: PreTenure Webinar Series 
Five Full Years Watch Video
Research Agenda Watch Video
Teaching and Service Watch Video
The Tenure Committee Watch Video

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The Associates Life: Post Tenure Series 
The Associate's Life Watch Video
The Research Agenda Watch Video
The Road to Full Watch Video

Watch the Full Series

Last Updated:  8 February, 2021

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