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Quality Indicators for Research Methodology and Evidence Based Practices

The Division for Research established a Task Force in 2003 to identify Quality Indicators for Research in Special Education. The additional charge to the task force was to provide guidelines for using research as evidence for effective practices in Special Education. The task force focused on four research methodologies used most often in Special Education: Group, Single Subject, Correlational, and Qualitative Designs. For each, quality indicators and guidelines for evidence-base practice were identified. These indicators and guidelines appear in four papers that will be published later this year in Exceptional Children. The manuscript forms of the four methodological papers, an executive summary, and an introductory paper are available below:

Executive Summary

Research in Special Education: Scientific Methods and Evidence-based Practices

Qualitative Designs

Correlational Designs

Group Designs

Single Subject Designs

For further information on the DR quality indicators task force, contact Dr. Sam Odom, the task force chair, at the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill at


DR appreciates the work of the following Task Force members who authored these articles:

Ellen Brantlinger
Edward B. Carr
Donald Compton
Michael Coyne
Karen E. Diamond
Lynne S. Fuchs
Russell Gersten
Charles Greenwood
James Halle
Karen R. Harris
Robert H. Horner
Mark S. Innocenti
Robert Jimenez
Janette Klingner
Gail McGee
Robin McWilliam
Samuel Odom
Marleen Pugach
Virginia Richardson
Patricia Snyder
Scott W. Snyder
Bruce Thompson
Mark Wolery

Last Updated:  28 January, 2021

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