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Friends of IES (FIES)

The Friends of IES (FIES) represents more than 40 scientific associations, education organizations, universities, and research institutions that support the support the critical research, data, statistics, and evaluation programs at the Institute of Education Sciences. CEC and more specifically, the Division for Research, is involved with the Friends of the Institute of Education Sciences to: 

  • support the critical research, data, statistics and evaluation programs at IES. 
  • advance the objectives of IES, including: expanding fundamental knowledge and understanding of education from early childhood through higher education and the workforce
  • providing rigorous and relevant evidence on which to ground education practice and policy
  • sharing this information broadly; and promoting knowledge utilization in policy and practice.

CEC-DR encourages federal investment to conduct the highest quality special education research, data collection, evaluations and dissemination at IES.

Research that Informs Resilient Education Systems: The Role of the Federal Investment in IES 
(FIES Briefing including DR Government Relations and Research Advocacy Committee Chair, Betsy Talbott)

NCSER proposed funding increased: What if advocacy efforts paid off? (John Willis Lloyd, 2021)

Last Updated:  26 October, 2021

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