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Research Improving the Educational Access, Experiences, and Outcomes of BIPOC Students with Disabilities Award

This award recognizes rigorous research by individuals or teams that has contributed to: (a) better understanding and/or improving educational access, experiences, and outcomes of BIPOC students with disabilities. 

October 15, 2023
Award type:
Presented by:
Tisa Aceves

Award Details:

In recognition of historical and multiple forms of structural oppression that students with disabilities from Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color have experienced, CEC-DR seeks nominations for the Research Improving the Educational Access, Experiences, and Outcomes of BIPOC Students with Disabilities Award. This award recognizes rigorous research that has contributed to: (a) better understanding and/or improving educational access, experiences, and outcomes of BIPOC students with disabilities. Priority will be given to individuals or research teams whose work has been conducted in close collaboration with BIPOC communities. The awards reflect the spirit of not only doing research on but with and for BIPOC communities. Nominations are sought across all areas of special education as well as all forms of research methodology and theoretical approaches. 

CEC member; nominations are sought across all areas of special education as well as all forms of research methodology and theoretical approaches

To submit a nomination/self-nomination for this award, email a copy of the following by the due date to chair of this award: 

1. A letter of nomination, NO LONGER THAN 3 pages, addressing each of the following: a. A description of the researcher’s work, b. Detail on how this research has increased understanding of or led to improvements in educational access, experiences, and outcomes of BIPOC students with disabilities, and c. If applicable, a description of the collaborative nature of the partnership with BIPOC communities.

2. The nominee’s complete and current vitae 

3. Names and contact information for three additional references.

4. No more than 2 reprints representative of the nominee’s work. 

(Contact Tisa Aceves;  

Jamie N. Pearson (North Carolina State University)

Last Updated:  18 September, 2023

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