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Student Research Awards

This award recognizes high-quality research across multiple research methodologies conducted by students in the course of their undergraduate or graduate special education training program. 

October 15, 2023
Award type:
Presented by:
Kelly Whalon & Tanya Santangelo, co-chairs

Award Details:

CEC-DR seeks nominations for the Student Research Award. This award recognizes high-quality research across multiple research methodologies conducted by students in the course of their undergraduate or graduate special education training program. CEC-DR will award up to four such awards annually, with one award presented in each of up to four areas of research designs or methodologies: mixed-methods, qualitative, quantitative single-subject, and reviews (e.g., meta-analysis, systematic review). No award will be given in any research methodology area if an exemplary, high-quality research study is not submitted; thus, there may be fewer than three awards presented in any given year. Nominations are sought across all areas of special education services. The awardee in each research method area will receive a monetary award and a certificate.

The following criteria must be met in each area. 

(a) The nominated student must be the sole or first author of the nominated manuscript and the research study must represent the student’s intellectual work. 

(b) The nominated research study must have been conceptualized and conducted while the first author was a student.  (c) The nominated study must not be in press at the time of submission nor have been published prior to submission for the award.  (d) The nominated manuscript must not exceed 50 double-spaced pages, not including tables and references. Manuscripts should be formatted according to current APA guidelines.  (e) Independent of the methodological area in which the manuscript is submitted, research studies nominated must adhere to standards for high-quality research advocated for in the field of special education and by the CEC-DR. Detailed quality indicators of high-quality research for quantitative, qualitative, and single-subject design studies can be found in the Winter 2005 special issue of Exceptional Children, Volume 71(2), edited by Odom et al. Additional sources for quality indicators can be found for: Mixed-methods studies (Klingner & Boardman, 2011; Leech & Onwuegbuzie (2010); Quantitative studies including group experimental and quasi-experimental designs (Gersten et al., 2005) and correlational designs (Thompson, Diamond, McWilliam, Snyder, & Snyder, 2005); Qualitative studies (Tracy, 2010); and Meta-analyses (Pigott & Polanin, 2020), and meta-syntheses (Melendez-Torres, Grant, & Bonell, 2015)  

A copy of the paper being submitted for recognition. If the article submitted has multiple authors, the contributions of the nominee to the publication should be clearly identified.

A letter of nomination, NO LONGER THAN 1 PAGE, including: the title and methodological area in which the research is being submitted for consideration written assurance that the research was conceptualized and conducted by the nominee while the nominee was a student, and has not been accepted for publication; and all current contact information (name, title, position, affiliation, address, telephone number, email address) for the nominator and the nominee.

(Contact: Kelly Whalon & Tanya Santangelo, co-chairs;  

2023  Mixed Methods: Stacy McGuire Single-Subject: Gretchen Scheibel Quantitative: Leah Zimmermann Qualitative: Courtney-O'Grady Meta-analysis/meta-synthesis: Aimee Hackney  

Last Updated:  18 September, 2023

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